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Watchman Responsibility Book: Sound the Alarm

Author Bio | Get a Free Chapter Preview | Buy at Amazon | Buy at Website Praise for Watchman Responsibility ★★★★★ Rev. Dr. Laura Shannon McDaniel, Global Director, Uptick, “A Generation of Jesus-Shaped Leaders” With prophetic urgency, Pastor Lenita issues a clarion call for every believer to wake up and sound the alarm as the Watchmen on …

Apostolic & Prophetic Network Prayer and Personal Prophetic Ministry

The APT Network exists to awaken, equip, and propel believers to become Jesus-focused apostolic builders and prophetic communicators of God’s voice. This event is a must-attend for those seeking growth in the apostolic and prophetic, and connection with like-minded women. Get ready to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped for your journey ahead. There will be: …

APT Apostolic & Prophetic Women Network 1st Annual Conference

The APT Network exists to awaken, equip, and propel women to become Jesus-focused forces on Earth who build apostolically and communicate God’s voice prophetically. Join us for a time of equipping, worship, and prayer, including three general sessions with guest speakers and breakout sessions on Purity and the Seers Anointing, Prophetic Intercession, and Apostolic People: …