Articles and Publications
Pastor Lenita is both an author and writer with articles published by:
- Our Daily Bread Discovery Series (
- The Village Voice Weekly Newspaper, New York, NY
- Reclaim Today (
- Theater Mania Magazine (
- Evangelical Focus Europe (
- The Upper Room, November – December 2024, Daily Devotional Guide
Her upcoming 2025 publications include a devotional in Voices Black History Month Edition ( and four weeks in Journeys Spring 2025 Bible Study curriculum (Judson Press).
Watchman Responsibility: Winning the End-time Warfare to Stand Watch and Pray Effectively
Many are sensing the rapid approach of the Day of the Lord and the acceleration of events Jesus said would happen before His return. If what you see happening in the nations is stirring or disturbing you, this book is for you. It details a vision of nations gathering to attack Israel and America and the associated current events that support its validity.
It sounds an alarm to watch and pray like never before and provides a biblical understanding of Jesus’ imperative for us to do so. He told us to watch and pray so we would be counted worthy to escape what He described (Luke 21:36).
Readers gain insights into their New Testament responsibility to watch and pray from historical and Old Testament watchmen. The author details seventeen New Testament Scriptures on watching and praying and provides a Scriptural process every believer can follow to effectively watch and pray in the Spirit. Moreover, readers will explore the decree of the watchers in Daniel 4 and the relationship of the dominion mandate to their responsibility to watch and pray. This book also includes practical steps to increase your commitment to watching and praying and a list of prayer points to fuel your watch for your children, loved ones, and the nation.
It’s time to act. As a watcher, you are God’s alarm system. Your role is crucial. Get your copy of this book, and let’s sound the alarm for our families, leaders, and nation(s) like never before!
The Spirit of Rejection: Heal Its Wounds, Restore Your Self-Esteem, and Move On to Promotion
If left untreated, rejection wounds self-esteem and cripples self-concept. Many turn to prayer, which is necessary to expel the foul spirits of rejection. Yet, giving yourself to prayer is only one essential step to dealing with rejection. Expelling the demons does not negate the thought patterns, defense mechanisms, and wounds their former presence reinforced. This book borrows insight from simple medical practice to help readers add wisdom to their prayers, expel other spirits associated with the spirit of rejection, and uproot rejection’s detrimental effects. We’ll apply pressure to the wound(s), clean the wound(s), and protect the wound(s) to facilitate their total healing. We’ll also illuminate how rejection is both an indictment against the rejecter and a stepping stone for promotion. Each chapter of this book includes prayers and reflection questions that can be used individually or during group discussions for journaling or counseling.
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Teaching the Bible with Excellence: Answering the Call to the Teaching Ministry
Can you remember the first Bible teacher who impacted your life? Perhaps it was a Sunday School teacher, parent, or pastor. You’ll likely never forget what they taught, even if you were a child when you heard it. Moreover, teaching the Word of God is central to the Great Commission. We cannot make disciples if there are no teachers to teach them. Whether endowed with the spiritual gift of teaching or professionally trained to teach, if we become Bible teachers, we must emulate the heart, methods, and approaches of our Master Teacher, Jesus. We must understand the teaching ministry as a calling and invitation.
This book outlines the Bible teacher’s responsibilities, presents the teaching ministry’s goal, examines Jesus’ teaching methods, lists the proper tools and suggested methods for studying, and challenges you to understand what Christian education should accomplish. It can be used for individual or group training, includes reflection questions and activities, and is both spiritual and practical empowerment for Bible teachers to serve their gift in excellence. In addition, it provides practical tips for teaching adults, understanding adult learning motivation and principles, creating learning objectives, and designing lesson plans.
Whether an experienced or new Bible teacher, I hope you are ready to start this exciting journey of empowerment to elevate your teaching ministry and play your part in the Great Commission. Let’s begin!
Fervent Fire for Prevailing Intercessory Prayer
Are you a prayer warrior who wants your intercessory prayer to yield results like never before? Do you understand the connection between the Old and New Testament priesthoods and your prayer life? How should we approach prayer about events such as the removal of the 10 commandments from the Oklahoma State Capitol? A scriptural understanding of the pattern of the priesthood is necessary to maximize your prayer effectiveness and change your family, community and nation in the process. Fervent Fire reveals this pattern, which so many New Testament believers fail to examine, and swings open a door of insight to the present-day workings of priests, sacrifices, altars, thrones and angels. In this book, you’ll discover the exciting journey of the early priesthood, its connection to David’s household drama and how a shrewd, scheming politician manipulated the pattern of the priesthood to secure his throne. All the while, you’ll be building up to a wonderful and new revelation of exactly why Jesus calls us a royal priesthood. Fervent Fire, the first of the 5-book Priest and Warrior Intercessor Series, is essential for all intercessors, fundamental to every believer and of utmost necessity to those who have purposed for their Christianity to add value to the royal priesthood and holy nation.
An Anchor for My Soul Devotional
Today’s Christian woman is faced with a dilemma, and its name is “multi-.” While striving to serve the Lord, multiplicities of responsibility vie for her attention. She wrestles with handling it all, and at the same time come to grips with her own multifaceted nature. The duty of serving others often prevents the healing of issues within her soul. An Anchor for My Soul Devotions address those issues, facilitates healing, and anchors Christian women who are dizzy and discombobulated from the winds of multiple responsibilities, talents, and roles. Before a ship sets sail, it must be anchored and refueled. This twenty-one-day devotional is the multitasked, multifaceted woman’s necessary, daily dose of anchoring and refueling.
Breaking the Silence: The Journey from Rape to Redemption
Video: (age-restricted for sensitivity and available on YouTube)
Our church workers, leaders, and members carry silent wounds from the atrocity of rape. According to RAINN, a national sexual abuse network, rape affects one in six women and one in thirty-three men, and 60% of all sexual assaults are never reported to the police. Where are the Biblical answers that will provide healing in this area? You will find them in Breaking the Silence. With fresh revelation, straightforward language, and supernatural insight, Breaking the Silence equips both pastor and member alike and brings healing to this painful experience. Every Christian who has been affected by rape needs this book, as do the pastors and leaders who seek to facilitate their total healing. This book is an essential tool for the Biblical Counselor, Pastoral Counselor, or Christian Counselor to counsel the sexual abuse or rape survivor. Every friend or family member of someone who has been raped needs this book. Every Christian rape counselor needs this book. You need this book. Begin the journey today and help break rape’s silence.
Understanding the Power of Agreement: A Necessary Key for Prayer, Relationships, and Progress
There is extraordinary, supernatural power in agreement. In fact, in Matthew 18:19, Jesus promised that if we come to a place of agreement, we can have anything—yes, anything—we ask. Yet, how is it that Jesus could give us a blank check and we so rarely see its guaranteed results (results backed by Jesus)? Could it be that we really don’t understand what agreement is? This book is an essential exploration of the meaning and power of agreement. It reveals the dynamics of agreement and facilitates the necessary platform for any believer, prayer warrior, married couple, or family to realize maximum results from the power of agreement.
I Am: The Divine Purpose Manifesto
In the face of accusations and threats from the enemy, people of divine purpose must boldly proclaim who they are, even as Jesus declared, “I Am.” This book illuminates the “I Am” statements of Jesus, the underdog status from which he pronounced them and the reality of Sonship he purchased for us with his own blood. He came into the world as the Son of God, but his own received him not—they did not believe that he was who he said he was. Nevertheless, he proclaimed his manifesto, “I Am.” In this book, you will discover the power of those statements. Then, with new faith in your own status as daughter or son, you will proclaim your own manifesto. You too will be empowered to overachieve—to do greater works, in Jesus name.
I Am Predestined
The I Am series focuses on your identity in Christ and the wonderful, yet often misunderstood, realities of being created in the image and likeness of God. Each volume is a building block for the construction of rightly-focused self-confidence, which is necessary to win in life and take dominion. If you are unsure of what life holds or tempted to look down on yourself, feel inadequate, or succumb to negative self-talk, this series will give insight to the reality of who you are, and lift your confidence to where it belongs. Volume 1, I Am Predestined, begins by exploring predestination, the first of the three realities the series addresses. In this volume, you discover the rich origins of your life, and truth that transcends mere fate to ascend to the dynamics of destiny. Get ready to be lifted and boldly declare, “I know who I am.”
I Am A Creative, Speaking Spirit
The I Am series focuses on your identity in Christ and the wonderful, yet often misunderstood, realities of being created in the image and likeness of God. Each volume is a building block for the construction of rightly-focused self-confidence, which is necessary to win in life and take dominion. If you are unsure of what life holds or tempted to look down on yourself, feel inadequate, or succumb to negative self-talk, this series will give insight to the reality of who you are, and lift your confidence to where it belongs. Volume 2, I Am a Creative, Speaking Spirit, begins by examining the image of God in which you were created and the difference between soul and spirit. When God created the heavens and the earth, He spoke them into existence. That same creative power is in you. In this volume, you discover the power that lies within you and the unlimited nature of the realm from which you came. Get ready to be lifted and boldly declare, “I know who I am.