Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” 14 The blind and the lame came …
Understanding the Power of Agreement
There is extraordinary, supernatural power in agreement. In fact, in Matthew 18:19, Jesus promised that if we come to a place of agreement, we can have anything—yes, anything—we ask. Yet, how is it that Jesus could give us a blank check and we so rarely see its guaranteed results (results backed by Jesus)? Could it …
Shhh, don’t tell: the church is sweeping this under the rug!
I sat in church for years and no one talked about or addressed my deepest pains and I also didn’t open up about what had happened to me. If 60% of sexual assaults go unreported think about the potential numbers of people who are sitting in church just like I was—hurting but not knowing how to be healed, break free from shame and get the help they need.
Women set free in Kenya and Uganda
Before leaving for this missions trip to Kenya and Uganda, I had been praying that God would open a door for me to minister in South Africa because so many women in South Africa have been raped.
To my surprise, I learned that 80 percent of women in Kenya have been raped. I was taken aback but also realized why God wanted me in Kenya and Uganda.
Reader Testimonial: Breaking the Silence Book
Reader Testimonial
“we cannot begin to grasp what your book will do….the impact it will have….the changes it will bring to those who have been victims….the hope and understanding it will generate…
A Voice for Great Voices: Breaking the Silence
“The enemy puts full effort into silencing only the greatest voices.” – Lenita Reeves
Blogger Bruce Moar Reviews Breaking the Silence Book
“I recommend “Breaking the Silence” to anyone who has suffered the horrible crime of rape and to those believers who may encounter a person that has been raped, that they would be well equipped with biblical compassion that is rampant throughout Lenita Reeves offering.” — Bruce Moar, The Christian Church Blog
Breaking the Silence: The Journey from Rape to Redemption by Lenita Reeves
Our church workers, leaders, and members carry silent wounds from the atrocity of rape. According to RAINN, a national sexual abuse network, rape affects one in six women and one in thirty-three men, and 60% of all sexual assaults are never reported to the police.
Where are the Biblical answers that will provide healing in this area?