SOI 102 Week 4 Prayer Strategies and Promises for Our Children

Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 4 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This is Week 4 of 4 weeks. This week’s focus is our children and exercising all that we have learned to overturn the strategies, devices, and tactics of the enemy against our seed, generations, posterity, and loved ones. Topics include the enemy’s primary strategies against children in three phases 1) pre-conception, 2) in the womb, and 3) after birth/childhood. After the teaching, practicals include a time of intercession breaking curses, releasing blessings, and activating the revelation gifts through faith to target our intercession.

No doubt about it: children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a divine reward. (Psalm 127:3 CEB)

I’m ready to go to the next level and I hope that you are excited to join me. Once you register, you will have lifetime access to the online course space with the teaching outlines, prayer points, comments, prayer points, and resources. Regular prayerline attendees can use the previously distributed discount code. God bless you precious intercessor and let’s get ready for a great time!

Rev. Lenita Reeves Senior Pastor of Action Chapel Baltimore and Action Chapel North Carolina. She is the founder of #iprayatmidnight, author of Fervent Fire for Intercessory Prayer and an intercessor with powerful prophetic and deliverance ministry.

Topics for WeekScheduleEach Week Includes
* Pre-conception
* In the Womb
* Childhood
Strategies of the Enemy
and Our Counter-strategies
* Intercession and Activation
This course is fully online. If live sessions become available, the information will be posted.

Last live session held: October 1st, 10am Via Zoom, $40
* Teaching and Q&A
* Audio intercession
* Online handouts with key scriptures and points from the teachings for taking notes
* Prayer Points and Resources in the online course space

Get started for $40

Note: Regular PrayerWatch prayerline members receive a %15 discount. To join the PrayerWatch Whatsapp group for prayerline times, discounts, and more, visit

This content is for SOI 102: School of Intercession Week 4: Prayer Strategies and Promises for our Children members only.
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  1. SOI 102 Week 4 Overview
  2. SOI 102 Week 4 Teaching & Activation
  3. SOI 102 Week 4 Prayer Points and Resources
  4. SOI 102 Week 4 Participant Evaluation