It’s time to break the silence. It’s time for Redemption.

Lenita Reeves is survivor and overcomer. Her first book, Breaking the Silence: The Journey from Rape to Redemption, is a result of God’s healing and revelation from the Scriptures. In this radio interview, she discusses her healing journey and how God brought redemption in her life and can do the same in yours.

Radio Interview Excerpt with Lenita Reeves on Breaking the Silence

Our church workers, leaders, and members carry silent wounds from the atrocity of rape. According to RAINN, a national sexual abuse network, rape affects one in six women and one in thirty-three men, and 60 percent of all sexual assaults are never reported to the police.

Where are the Biblical answers that will provide healing in this area? You will find them in Breaking the Silence. With fresh revelation, straightforward language, and supernatural insight, Breaking the Silence equips both pastor and member alike and brings healing to this painful experience.

Every Christian who has been affected by rape needs this book, as do the pastors and leaders who seek to facilitate their total healing. Every friend or family member of someone who has been raped needs this book. Every Christian rape counselor needs this book. You need this book. Begin the journey today and help break rape’s silence.

Blogger Bruce Moar of The Christian Church Blog reviews Breaking the Silence: The Journey from Rape to Redemption by Reverend Lenita Reeves. To see the full review, visit