This page outlines how to login to your online courses once paid (with the exception of the Purpose/full Institute, which has a different login). To access School of Intercession, Teaching with Excellence, and all other courses, follow these instructions.

  1. From the homepage,, go to the “Courses” menu. Select your course. This will take you to your course page.

2. Once on your course page, scroll down and click the “Login” button. This will take you to the login page.

3. Enter your login credentials and click the “Login” button. This will take you to your membership account page.

4. Once on the member account page, scroll down to the Course Links section. Click the link for the course you want to access. This will take you to course. If you still see a login button after accessing the course, refresh the page.

5. To log out, scroll down to the page footer and click the “Logout” link.