Prayer Power for Life with Pastor Lenita (Live Radio and Podcast) Believers are called to walk in authority and power, but sometimes, life can make you feel powerless. Join Prayer Power for Life with Pastor Lenita for insight and inspiration to tap into the power source, connection, and lifeline of prayer necessary to walk in …
Watchman Responsibility Book: Sound the Alarm
Author Bio | Get a Free Chapter Preview | Buy at Amazon | Buy at Website Praise for Watchman Responsibility ★★★★★ Rev. Dr. Laura Shannon McDaniel, Global Director, Uptick, “A Generation of Jesus-Shaped Leaders” With prophetic urgency, Pastor Lenita issues a clarion call for every believer to wake up and sound the alarm as the Watchmen on …
Daily Bible Verse
“Your word is a lamp for my foot and light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105 CJB) Teaching the Word of God is central to the Great Commission. We cannot make disciples if there are no teachers to teach them. Whether endowed with the spiritual gift of teaching or professionally trained to teach, if we become …
Awake, Awake, Arise
Who was this woman, Deborah? Miriam, a female prophet had come on the scene. But no one like Deborah had been recorded–a female ruler of all Israel. A deliverer. A warrior. A pioneer. A prophet. A judge who gave a man courage to go to war for his country, and didn’t just cheer for him from the sidelines. She went with him. A woman who restored village life, got people back on the streets, and an economy moving again.
The Purpose-filled Life: Encouragement from Our Latest Blog Posts
Visit our blog for encouragement, revelation, and empowerment for purpose-filled living in Christ. Here are the latest posts:
Teaching the Bible with Excellence
Do you sense a call to teach the Bible or already know you’re called to the teaching ministry? Teaching the Word of God is central to the Great Commission. We cannot make disciples if there are no teachers to teach them. Whether endowed with the spiritual gift of teaching or professionally trained to teach, if …
School of Intercession
There are two School of Intercession (SOI) courses available for you. SOI 101: The Priesthood of Intercession (4 Weeks) SOI 102: Activating Spiritual Gifts for Targeted Intercession (4 Weeks) Topics Include:Module 1: Priesthood Foundation for Altars, Watches, and IntercessionModule 2: The Altar Blueprint: Dealing with Evil AltarsModule 3: Keys to Endurance, All Kinds of PrayersModule …
“I’m just on fire! I’m encouraged right now even in my married life. I’m just on fire! I thank God for the opportunity to meet Lenita Reeves. This will propel me to my next place! – Vanessa Robinson, Participant of Now Discover Purpose, The Purpose/full Institute My Testimony: APT Company Mentorship is a game changer …