Keep your atmosphere prayer-conditioned:

Keep your atmosphere prayer-conditioned:
In this episode, we discuss why believers need to understand the armor of God and how it relates to resisting the enemy and prayer. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE!
Proverbs 19:21 KJV says, “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” Thursday night we enforced the counsel of God for our lives, declaring no sabotage or device of the enemy would stand. Replay Thursday night’s PrayerWatch and keep your atmosphere prayer-conditioned:
Keep your atmosphere prayer-conditioned:
Prayer Power for Life with Pastor Lenita (Live Radio and Podcast) Believers are called to walk in authority and power, but sometimes, life can make you feel powerless. Join Prayer Power for Life with Pastor Lenita for insight and inspiration to tap into the power source, connection, and lifeline of prayer necessary to walk in …
Author Bio | Get a Free Chapter Preview | Buy at Amazon | Buy at Website Praise for Watchman Responsibility ★★★★★ Rev. Dr. Laura Shannon McDaniel, Global Director, Uptick, “A Generation of Jesus-Shaped Leaders” With prophetic urgency, Pastor Lenita issues a clarion call for every believer to wake up and sound the alarm as the Watchmen on …
God is the supreme judge in the Court of Heaven. We often think of God as a benevolent helper, but He is also the sovereign ruler of His Kingdom and the supreme judge in the court of heaven. “God presides over heaven’s court; He pronounces judgment on the heavenly beings” (Psalm 82:1 NLT). Daniel received …
Prayer flows naturally when you genuinely care for the person or object of your prayer. But for many who live in America, there are barriers to a flow of genuine prayer for the country. Like bittersweet delicacies, America has served good and bad experiences for many of her constituents. So, they have to overcome memories …
Many believers, especially those who come from their own war-torn countries, do not understand why we should be concerned about Israel at War. This article/post gives Biblical reasons why we should and how we should pray. PLEASE know this is linked to the Temple and end-times events that Daniel and Jesus spoke about. Take time to read, share, and be empowered to intercede and prepare yourself for the times ahead. READ AT #endtimes #prayforisrael #lenitareeves #pastorlenit #apostolictruth, View the video at
Two weeks ago, we celebrated Pentecost. Most believers commemorated the coming of the Holy Spirit and the launch of the New Testament church—and they were right to associate Pentecost with those things. But it was also the beginning of the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest, which is the Jewish celebration of the beginning of the wheat harvest. That’s why the Jews were in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost anyway.