SOI 102 Week 4 Prayer Strategies and Promises for Our Children

Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 4 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This is Week 4 of 4 weeks. This week’s focus is our children and exercising all that we have learned to overturn the strategies, devices, and tactics of the enemy against our seed, generations, posterity, and loved ones. Topics include the enemy’s primary strategies...

SOI 102: School of Intercession Week 4: Prayer Strategies and Promises for our Children Membership Required

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SOI 102 Week 3 Spiritual Gifts for Intercession Part 2

Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 2 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This is Week 3 of 4 weeks. I’m ready to go to the next level and I hope that you are excited to join me. This week we continue teaching the revelation gifts, specifically the word of knowledge and the discerning of...

SOI 102: School of Intercession Week 3: Spiritual Gifts for Targeted Intercession Part 2 Membership Required

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SOI 102 Week 2: Spiritual Gifts for Targeted Intercession

Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 2 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This week focuses on the need for divine intelligence and the gifts of the Spirit in intercession. I’m ready to go to the next level and I hope that you are excited to join me. Once you register, you will have lifetime...

SOI 102: School of Intercession Week 2: Spiritual Gifts for Targeted Intercession Membership Required

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SOI 102 Week 1: Altar vs. Altar: Reversing Curses, Releasing Blessings

Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 1 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! Expect to go to the next level in intercession. This is Week 1 of 4 weeks. I hope that you are excited to join me for the next 4 weeks. This course is fully online so be sure to watch the videos...

SOI 102: School of Intercession Week 1: Altar vs. Altar Membership Required

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