It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. Indeed, leadership could be the difference between a church thriving or closing its doors—between cared-for and engaged members and those who silently depart and take others with them. Yes, you, the leader, have a role to fulfill. The Church needs the leader in you...
APT Company Oct. 2024 Cohort
The APT Company is for those who want more intensive mentorship or connection to more fully become Jesus-focused, apostolic, and prophetic voices for the end-time harvest. APT Company members meet monthly with the founder online for 6 months for mentoring to discover, embrace, or amplify their voice....
APT Company: May 2024
Welcome to APT Company, six months of mentoring/coaching to empower you to amplify your voice and mandate. This course space will house the schedule, handouts, resources, and materials of use throughout the six months.
Teach the Bible with Excellence
Teaching the Word of God is central to the Great Commission. We cannot make disciples if there are no teachers to teach them. Whether endowed with the spiritual gift of teaching or professionally trained to teach, if we become Bible teachers, we must emulate the heart, methods, and approaches of our Master Teacher, Jesus. Moreover,...
SOI 101 Module 3 The Need for Endurance, All Kinds of Prayer
Welcome to SOI 101: Module 3: The Need for Endurance, All Kinds of Prayers. This is module 3 of 4. In this module, you will add to your intercessor toolbox anti-fainting strategies, an understanding of multiple kinds of prayer, and the driving force that facilitates each of them. Let’s get ready to go higher. And...
SOI 101 Module 2: The Altar Blueprint: Dealing with Evil Altars
Welcome to the SOI 101: Module 2: The Altar Blueprint: Dealing with Evil Altars. This is module 2 of 4. In this module, we explore the what I call the “altar blueprint,” which is essential to effectively deal with evil altars. We give you strategies, right down to the exact language to use to deal...
SOI 101 The Priesthood of Intercession
Welcome to the School of Intercession 101: The Priesthood of Intercession. I believe this course is the necessary foundation upon which every individual intercessor and intercessory team should build their ministry. The revelation herein is that important. This course is 4 modules long. In this course, we explore the priesthood origins of intercessory ministry and the...
SOI 102 Week 4 Prayer Strategies and Promises for Our Children
Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 4 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This is Week 4 of 4 weeks. This week’s focus is our children and exercising all that we have learned to overturn the strategies, devices, and tactics of the enemy against our seed, generations, posterity, and loved ones. Topics include the enemy’s primary strategies...
SOI 102 Week 3 Spiritual Gifts for Intercession Part 2
Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 2 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This is Week 3 of 4 weeks. I’m ready to go to the next level and I hope that you are excited to join me. This week we continue teaching the revelation gifts, specifically the word of knowledge and the discerning of...
SOI 102 Week 2: Spiritual Gifts for Targeted Intercession
Welcome to the School of Intercession 102, Week 2 with Pastor Lenita Reeves! This week focuses on the need for divine intelligence and the gifts of the Spirit in intercession. I’m ready to go to the next level and I hope that you are excited to join me. Once you register, you will have lifetime...