Inspiration for Life Purpose

The Monumental and Mundane

Purposeful people’s lives have a cadence—a rhythm of work and rest. Even their daily routine moves to its own beat. They move with direction. Their steps are deliberate. But without purpose, life’s everyday routine lags to drab monotony. Humdrum . . . Hmm. 

But no one always feels like they’re “rockin’ in out” in life. That’s when we must remember—purpose isn’t about glamour. It’s about an assignment. Fatherhood, motherhood, entrepreneurship, public service, friendship, ministry, and marriage are all examples of an assignment. Each affects someone else’s life, can bring positive change, and impact legacy. 

The challenge is when the necessary, seemingly humdrum aspects of these assignments make us feel unadventurous and dormant. But ask anyone whose parents never had time to take them to practice or attend their games whether the seemingly mundane tasks of pickup, drop-off, and being present are important. 

When you understand your assignment, you can make the mundane purposeful. You can transform drop-off and pickup into teaching, encouraging, and eye-opening moments. 

The temporary may seem mundane but can have long-lasting impact. So give the monumental and mundane your all. They both have purposeful potential.

The mundane circumstance is temporary. God’s purpose is eternal. Hold on to His purpose.

“. . . things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV)

Lenita Reeves

#TuesdayMotivation #pastorlenita

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Lenita is the senior pastor of Action Chapel Baltimore and Action Chapel North Carolina churches. She is an author of nine books, international speaker, founder of PrayerWatch with Pastor Lenita, and creator of the Purpose/full Institute, which helps people discover and hone their divine purpose. She is a former Accenture consultant with college teaching experience, professional instructional design experience, a member of the RAINN speaker’s bureau, a trained pastoral counselor, and a Christian International/Bishop Hamon authorized prophetic instructor. Sign up to connect, receive more blog posts, and updates on courses, books, and events.

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