Apostolic Truth, APT Women, Uncategorized

Now What: Taking Action in a New Month

Last month was Women’s History Month, and that’s important whether you are a man or a woman, parent of a daughter, aunt or uncle of a maturing young woman, or a woman yourself. Many grassroots, nonprofit, and widely known organizations like the United Nations (UN) took time to celebrate the achievements of women and bring awareness to their vital role in the world. They were not just doing the right thing but also demonstrating an understanding that in the years ahead, women will be vital to the success of our global well-being, workforce, and economy.

In 1980, the UN published a statistic that women constitute half of the world’s population, perform nearly two-thirds of its work hours, receive one-tenth of the world’s income, and own less than one-hundredth of its property. Has there been progress since 1980? Some would say yes, others no. Instead of arguing that question, perhaps it is more relevant to ask yourself if your daughter, niece, wife, mother, or sister owns properties, has access to higher education, receives the best healthcare, is compensated equally with her male counterparts, and has her voice equitably represented in her vocation, community, and church? Does she still have to fight gender bias and discrimination? 

Now that Women’s History Month is over, the responsibility to take action remains. What do we do with the messages articulated during Women’s History Month? What does it mean for our daughters, nieces, sisters, mothers, and aunts?

As I ponder last month’s efforts and prophecies about how God will use women and women of color in the coming years, I know it is time to empower women in their apostolic and prophetic callings like never before. We want to see women equipped to build apostolically and communicate God’s voice prophetically because we know spiritually what the world is sensing economically. God is about to use women like never before! He said, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28).

We are not the UN–of course. However, the APT Women, Apostolic and Prophetic Network is our way of empowering women spiritually and positioning them to be used by God like never before to usher in a great end-time harvest.

Join us on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at 10am US Eastern time for a unique opportunity to grow spiritually and be empowered like never before. This is our APT Women Network April meeting, featuring ‘Part 2: Beyond Personal Prophesy.’ It will include a Q&A discussion on the prophetic and time of networking. Pastor Lenita will be sharing briefly on ‘Beyond Personal Prophecy, Pt 2,’ we’ll move into Q&A, and close with time for everyone to introduce themselves in breakout rooms. Please register so we know how to plan for the breakout sessions. 

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See you soon! 

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