
Daily Bible Verse

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

“Your word is a lamp for my foot and light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105 CJB)

Teaching the Word of God is central to the Great Commission. We cannot make disciples if there are no teachers to teach them. Whether endowed with the spiritual gift of teaching or professionally trained to teach, if we become Bible teachers, we must emulate the heart, methods, and approaches of our Master Teacher, Jesus. We must understand the teaching ministry as a calling and invitation.

This book outlines the Bible teacher’s responsibilities, presents the teaching ministry’s goal, examines Jesus’ teaching methods, lists the proper tools and suggested methods for studying, and challenges you to understand what Christian education should accomplish. It can be used for individual or group training, includes reflection questions and activities, and is both spiritual and practical empowerment for Bible teachers to serve their gift in excellence. In addition, it provides practical tips for teaching adults, understanding adult learning motivation and principles, creating learning objectives, and designing lesson plans.

By the end of the book, you will be able to understand what a God-and-student-centered teaching philosophy is, write a personal Bible teaching philosophy, and craft a Bible Study lesson plan you and other Bible teachers can use. Whether an experienced or new Bible teacher, I hope you are ready to start this exciting journey of empowerment to elevate your teaching ministry and play your part in the Great Commission.

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